Home Network

Planning a home network to accommodate smart TV’s, Sound Devices, Streaming Devices, Smart Devices, CCTV, PlayStation and Xbox’s etc is essential at the beginning of the building stage not at the end.

Wireless has come along way but you can’t beat cable. If planning its done properly and all rooms outdoor and indoor are covered you should not have any reason to chase or have white or grey cables stuck on your walls.

Network Cabling

Cat6 cable is a standardized twisted pair cable for Ethernet networks. Cat6 cable provides performance of up to 250 MHz and is suitable for Gigabit Ethernet.

Wireless / Network Points

For new or retrofit installations, dual-band Wi-Fi access points with two Gigabit Ethernet ports fits in a standard light socket with a flush look and feel.

Network Planning

Wi-Fi signals are capable of passing through walls but some walls are thicker or use reinforced concrete and may block some of the signals.